Grace Church relies entirely upon God’s provision through the generosity of the church family to enable our various ministries. We’re grateful that - since Grace Church began in 2004 - God has faithfully provided all we’ve needed financially as we have grown.
The Bible has a great deal to say about money, our attitude to it and what we do with it. In the New Testament, St Paul writes “Each of you should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion.” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In raising the subject of money we don’t want to burden or compel people.
As Christians, we know God’s generosity to us in Jesus who ‘though he was rich, yet for [our] sake he became poor, so that [we] through his poverty might become rich.’ (2 Corinthians 8:9). Any financial giving ought to come from hearts transformed by God’s generosity, not by guilt or any efforts to earn something from God. For that reason, we don’t ask visitors to contribute financially to life at Grace Church.
As with every other area of our discipleship, we encourage members of Grace Church to be deliberate and prayerful when it comes to their financial giving. For most people that will mean prayerfully reviewing their giving at least once each year.
We do ask those who are new to our church or who are not currently participating, to start giving. We do need the help of everyone - even if you are not certain how long you can stay with our church - in order for us to maintain and grow our gospel ministries here and around the world. Financially supporting our local church is an important and enjoyable way to express our gratitude to God for our Saviour. It is a privilege - let's rejoice in it!
To help us think through our giving, we recommend John Stott’s short booklet ‘The Grace of Giving’. If you would like a copy or further information about the finances at Grace Church, please contact our treasurer, Andrew, by